Top 10 Biggest Sea Dinosaurs that ever lived on Earth
Strongest legs, extremely big size, and sharp teeth Now these super features must be reminding you of the super powerful dinosaurs of Jurassic Park. But if we tell you that the predatory dinosaurs that flourished on earth millions of years ago were 10 times bigger than the dinosaurs shown in movies like Jurassic Park then you might not believe it.
But in the Prehistoric Period, some aquatic dinosaur species were of such a large size that even a seven-story building in front of them seemed small. So let us introduce you to the 10 biggest sea dinosaurs and try to give every small and big information related to them.
Biggest Sea Dinosaurs Names
1. Shastasaurus

According to experts, Shastasaurus is considered to be the largest marine reptile in history. This large-sized creature was present on the earth about 210 million years ago. The length of this large-sized creature could grow to 70 feet or more, and due to this large-sized body, the weight of this creature could be 75 tons or more.
Meaning, if seen in the true sense, the weight of a Shastasaurus was as heavy as that of a blue whale, whereas if we talk about the length of its body, then the length of these creatures could be as big as a seven-story building.
But despite such a large size, the body of these ocean dinosaurs was very thin. And due to this thin body, these creatures usually preferred to eat squid in addition to small fat fish. Apart from this, he also liked octopus very much.
2. Mosasaurus

These water dinosaurs with some crocodile body texture were found on Earth about 66 million years ago. Growing up to about 50 feet, Mosasaurus is considered the world’s largest marine carnivore. Let us tell you that the body of these crocodile-looking creatures looked like a crocodile to a great extent.
More than 100 sharp and penne teeth like knives were found in the mouth of Mosasaurus. These teeth were divided into two parts the upper and lower part. Another special kind of jaw used to come out of his mouth. Due to this special part, these creatures used to digest any victim very easily after killing them.
In a true sense, if any big or small-sized creature wandered near Mosasaurus, then even after trying its best, that creature would have become its victim.
3. Shonisaurus

It is said about Shonisaurus that these creatures were present on the earth about 215 million years ago. But scientists came to know about these giant creatures around 1920 and after researching these creatures, scientists told that these creatures must have looked like a large dolphins in appearance.
The length of this sea dinosaur could grow to 50 feet or more, and due to this large body, its weight could be as heavy as 30 tons. Meaning if the bodies of two large-sized sperm whales were mixed, then the body of a Shonisaurus could be equaled.
But surprisingly, despite such a large bodies, they did not have teeth in their mouth. Even though their large-sized children had teeth in their mouths when they were born, as these children grew up, their teeth also started falling out.
4. Tylosaurus

These giant creatures named Tylosaurus, found in North America and its surrounding areas, existed 80-85 million years ago. The body of the dinosaurs in the sea could be as big as 45 feet and due to such a large size, when it came in front of an animal, suddenly even the biggest animal would get scared seeing these giant creatures in front.
Due to the large size flipper and long tail, the length of this species of dinosaur was not less than a moving building. By the way, the bigger their body was, the more dangerous their diet was. Let us tell you that apart from small fish, these marine dinosaurs used to digest even turtles.
Apart from this, Tylosaurus also liked to digest fish of small species of sharks. Also, apart from plesiosaurus and mosasaurs, they also liked to eat flightless birds. In short, this species of dinosaurs had the ability to digest everything that came their way.
5. Thalassomedon

The word Thalassomedon means sea lord. The name of these creatures itself means the god of the sea. Please tell me that because of the heavy body of Thalassomedon, he got this title. If the length of this marine dinosaur, which grows up to about 40 feet, is measured, then these creatures can be as tall as a 4-story building.
Due to this large body size, the limbs of these sea creatures are as big as seven feet which also helps them to swim quickly in the water. Like some of the other dinosaurs on our list, Thalassomedon was a sea dinosaur with a long neck. Tell that 62 small bones are found in their neck and their neck can be up to 20 feet long, which is as big as half of their body.
Apart from the big neck, the head of Thalassomedon is very small in size i.e. around 19 inches. Two inches long pointed and sharp teeth are found in the mouth of these creatures, with the help of which these creatures were capable of killing the biggest prey.
6. Albertonectes

Due to the small head, long neck, and large size flippers found on the body, these strange-looking creatures had the ability to swim very fast in the salt water of the ocean.
It is believed that Albertonectes were found in North America and its surrounding areas about 70-76 million years ago. Their length could be around 38 feet and their neck alone was around 30 feet long.
Let us tell you that 76 small bones were found in the neck of this long-neck water dinosaur and with the help of this, these creatures were able to make small fish as well as squid their prey.
7. Styxosaurus

Styxosaurus existed on earth 85 to 70 million years ago and it is believed that their body could grow more than 35 feet and their weight could be as heavy as 4 tons. But it is surprising that these creatures, which grew up to 35 feet, had a long neck of about 16 feet and their body was much smaller in comparison to the neck.
At the same time, pointed teeth like a sword were found in the mouth of the biggest sea dinosaurs in a conical shape, and with the help of these pointed teeth, they were used to trap big fish in their clutches. But surprisingly, despite having such huge teeth, these creatures did not chew their prey. Actually, their stomach was filled with about 200 stones, with the help of which they could easily digest any prey without chewing it.
Some scientists say about Styxosaurus that they used to keep stones in their body so that it would help them to search for food by going to the surface of the sea.
8. Nothosaurus

According to fossil evidence and experts, these species of dinosaurs were present on Earth about 230 million years ago. The body of these ocean dinosaurs must have been more than 15 feet long. These strange-looking dinosaurs may not look large in appearance, but because of their knife-like sharp teeth, once they attacked a sea creature, it was sure to die.
Nothosaurus is also considered dangerous because it could injure its prey by moving its jaws left and right. Their body looked like sea lions to a great extent. Like sea lions, they also had four legs on their body, which were generally used for climbing on land and swimming in seas.
Apart from this, Nothosaurus used to spend most of its time in the depths of the sea and came out of the sea only for some part of the year or some time to rest. An interesting fact related to these sea creatures is that scientists and researchers around the world have not yet been able to find out whether these creatures used to lay eggs or give birth to children.
9. Kronosaurus

The trunk of Kronosaurus was found to be square in shape with a large head massive jaws and a short neck. These water dinosaurs were found almost all over the world and this is the reason why their fossils have been found in places like Australia as well as Colombia.
Growing up to about 34 feet, these big water dinosaurs could weigh up to 12 tons. Apart from this, even though their teeth were several inches long, they were not penne. In such a situation, despite having simple teeth, they had the ability to injure any victim in a single attack.
This is because these creatures could chew any prey very fast and their bite force was also very high. This is the reason why even scientists tremble upon hearing about Kronosaurus, which was found thousands of years ago.
1o. Pliosaurus

The neck of this Pliosaurus, which looked somewhat like a crocodile, was much smaller in comparison to the body. At the same time, their head was very large, and large size flippers were also found on their body.
Scientists say that these large-sized dinosaurs existed from 145 to 150 million years ago and their fossils were first found in Norway around the 19th century. Please tell that the weight of the Pliosaurus could be more than 30 tons and the length of its body could be more than 40 feet.
By the way, the bigger the body of these ocean dinosaurs was, the stronger their bite force. Now the cutting capacity of these creatures can be gauged from the fact that these creatures had the ability to bite four times faster than giant dinosaurs like T. rex.
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