Komodo Dragon -The biggest lizard in the world
You must have often seen lizards found in homes, which may be small in size, but can cause death to anyone. Now suppose that if there is a lizard many times bigger than this, then how deadly will it be for you. Friends, today we will talk. The world’s largest lizard Komodo dragon is about 3 meters long and also makes humans its food. So let’s know about The biggest lizard in the world.
The Komodo dragon is the largest lizard in the world and is very aggressive. Which easily kills prey many times bigger than itself. It is found only in the islands of Indonesia. No one knew about this lizard before the First World War. It is a species of monitor lizard that is so large in size due to the evolution of millions of years on an island, but nowadays its hunting has increased very much, due to which this species is on the verge of extinction.

Komodo dragon is a very large and crawling creature, which is 3 meters in size i.e. about 10 feet long. It weighs up to 180 kg. It is very powerful. Its strong legs and tail make them powerful. They have long, pointed and curved claws, which are often used to dig holes.
They have a very small mouth compared to their body, with powerful jaws that are filled with venom. Although the Komodo dragon has a very sharp eye, it detects prey in most of its vicinity with its long and deeply cut tongue. By simply moving its tongue, it senses the smell of prey or predator that is 8 kilometers away.
Although Komodo dragons were found in many islands of Indonesia, now they are found only in five islands. Their last homes are Komodo, Rinca, Gili Montang, Gili Dasami, and the western fringes of Flores. These huge animals live in open forests and dry river beds.
The Komodo dragon is believed to have evolved from the extinct very large mammalian species of terrestrial lizards that grew up to 16 feet long on these islands. Their breeding season is in the month of September. During this, male Komodo dragons stand on their hind legs and fight for each other’s female Komodo dragons.
After mating, the female komodo lays 25 to 30 eggs. After eight months, half a meter i.e. one and a half feet long babies emerge from the eggs. As soon as they are born, they climb trees, or else the Komodo dragon will catch them and eat them. These babies stay on the trees for about a year and search for food from there.
They come down from the tree only when they are big enough to hunt. The lifespan of a Komodo dragon is about 50 years. The Komodo dragon keeps on searching for its food by moving slowly throughout the day. Usually, he lives alone and hunts. He likes to hunt in the forests of the coastal areas. It also searches for food on the shores of the sea and eats fish and other sea creatures that drifted along with the waves.
Komodo dragons are good swimmers and swim from island to island. It is a carnivorous animal that also eats the flesh of dead animals and also hunts itself. Small Komodo dragons eat lizards, insects, birds, snakes, etc. When they reach 30 cm in length and about a year in age, they start eating the flesh of dead animals.
A large komodo, the dragon hunts pigs, goats, deer, and buffaloes. The Komodo dragon can run for some distance at a speed of 15 kilometers per hour. Their teeth are very sharp, due to which they cannot chew their prey. Therefore, tearing it into small pieces, he swallows them. Whenever they do not get prey, they make small Komodo dragons their morsel.
The tongue of a Komodo dragon is torn like the tongue of a snake. With the whip-like blow of his long fleshy tail, he can injure his enemies. It is believed that 50 types of germs are found in the spit of the Komodo dragon, which shows their effect rapidly when they bite the prey.
It has also been revealed in research that their attack never fails because a venom gland is present in their neck. Although the Komodo dragon has been living in this world for the last several million years, people came to know about the Komodo dragon during the First World War. When a ship crashed on this island..
Sometimes these ferocious big lizards have attacked children, old people, and sick humans too. In 2009, a man fell unconscious from a tree and was eaten by two Komodo dragons. They prefer to eat dead prey than to hunt. That is why the people here place heavy stones on the graves of their acquaintances so that the Komodo dragon cannot dig his grave.
The Komodo dragon is an extremely successful hunter. Its flexible gums contain more than 60 razor-sharp teeth. komodo dragon teeth rising anew five times in his lifetime. Therefore, the Komodo dragon does not have much trouble due to its broken teeth.
The teeth of a Komodo dragon are similar to those of a shark. It is said that are komodo dragons venomous and even the slightest bite can result in death. Since he eats rotten meat, many of the deadly bacteria present in the rotten meat are in his mouth. When bitten these bacteria get into the wound and due to this the venomous spreads in the body of the bitten animal.
Komodo Dragon only benefits from this. Even if the victim escapes from his grip, he will die in 24 hours due to the spread of poison in his wound, and the Komodo dragon will find and eat his carcass. This dreaded lizard is not only powerful but also extremely intelligent. He also deceives and catches animals like deer, boar, etc.

The Komodo dragon lays near the wild paths to hunt. Due to the color of the clay, it remains completely hidden. When passing on the path of hunting, he catches it. Komodo dragon swallows food very rapidly. Like a snake, it can also spread its jaws wide. It can swallow a whole pig’s head or half a goat’s body at once.
A Komodo dragon weighing 50 kg can eat a deer weighing 40 kg in 20 minutes. The Komodo dragon can eat up to 80% of its weight in meat at a time. In order to sleep at night and to avoid the hot sun during the day, the dragon lizard searches for burrows on the ground. Sometimes he also captures the burrows dug by other animals.
The Komodo dragon has been living on this earth for 20 million years, but now it seems that its days in this world are over. Today they are at risk in their own home because the forests here are being cut for wood, due to which the population of Komodo dragons is decreasing and their living space is also decreasing.
Now there are only five thousand Komodo dragons left. The day is not far when the Komodo dragon will also become extinct from this earth like the dinosaurs.
1. Is the komodo dragon endangered?
Yes. Today the Komodo dragon is threatened in its own home because the forests here are being cut down for wood, due to which the population of the Komodo dragon is decreasing and their habitat is also decreasing, IUCN Red List According to the Office of Threatened Species, current data suggests there are about 3,500 in the wild. They are found on Indonesian islands and are carnivorous.
2. Is the komodo dragon poisonous?
The spit of the Komodo dragon is believed to contain 50 types of germs and more than 20 different strains of venom, which is why the Komodo dragon is considered poisonous. He uses this poison to kill/injure the victim.
3. What do komodo dragons eat?
Komodo dragons prefer to eat dead prey rather than hunt them. It is a carnivorous animal that also eats the flesh of dead animals and also hunts itself. Small Komodo, rats, birds lizards, insects, birds, snakes, etc.
4. Where do Komodo dragons live?
The Komodo dragon is the world’s largest lizard, which is very aggressive, and easily kills even the prey many times larger than itself. It is found only in the islands of Indonesia. No one knew about this lizard before the First World War. It is a species of monitor lizard that is so large in size due to its evolution over millions of years on an island.
5. Are Komodo dragons dangerous?
Komodo dragons generally do not attack people and will only do so when they feel threatened. Komodo dragon is a very large and crawling creature, which is three meters in size i.e. about 10 feet long. It weighs up to 180 kg. It is very powerful. Its strong legs and tail make them powerful.
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