9 weird sea creatures that glow in the dark
To know the importance of light, it is necessary to face the darkness. In this article, we will talk about those creatures who live in deep darkness in the deep sea but still, they have a deep connection with the light. Weird sea creatures that glow in the dark have the ability to generate or shine their own light. So let’s know about these creatures.
List Of Sea Creatures That Glow In The Dark
#1. Stoplight Loosejaw Dragonfish

Belonging to the family of Dragon Fish, Stoplight Loosejaw is found in the depth of the sea about 500 to 4000 meters below. The jaws of these fish are very large and flexible, as it has been seen that most fish can produce light in the depth of the ocean. This is also a fish among them.
Stoplight Loosejaw fish also have light-producing organs in their body, these fishes produce red light. The thing to note here is that in this light these fishes can see other prey and predators. But he cannot see these fishes.
Even we humans cannot see the light produced by these fish. We will see only darkness. Scientists are still finding out about these fish that glows up to 12 inches.
#2. Comb Jelly

Like other jellyfish, comb jellies also do not have brains. But these shiny fish have a nerve net. These bright fish swim with the help of light hairs around their body. These hairs are called cilia.
The comb jelly uses its tentacles to catch and eat its prey. There is poison in these tentacles, with the help of which these fishes can also paralyze their body.
These bright fishes like to eat plankton as well as other jellyfish, they can also digest bigger size jellyfish than themselves. 95% of the body of these fishes is water. At the same time, the length of these bright fish can be from a few mm to 4 feet.
#3. Anglerfish

Compared to the male, a female anglerfish is found in a variety of color shades and sizes. A female looks very ugly in comparison to a male whereas males are very beautiful. When the male comes to the female for mating, first of all, the male bites the body of the female. After that, they damage the brain, heart, and eyes of the female. And then finally transfer your sperm well.
By the way, a strange type of glowing bacteria is also found in anglerfish. That’s why these fishes look bright amidst the darkness in the depth of the ocean.
If we talk about the food of these glowing fish, it completely adapts themselves according to the environment of the sea. And after that, these fish lure their prey by waving their antennae. As soon as the prey is close to the fish, immediately these fishes attack. in fact, these fishes are as bright as they are clever.
#4. Firefly Squid

Firefly squid found on the coasts of Japan prefer to live in deep water and this depth can be close to 200 to 400 meters. The unique thing about these living beings is their brightness. When these sea creatures shine, blue light comes out of them, due to which they look like blue sparkle light.
Because of this light, firefly squid attracts the attention of other creatures. However, these bright creatures mostly like to eat cobalt, small fish, and other squids. The skin of these bright creatures is very soft. At the same time, their eyes are very big and they have about 8 hands.
The length of firefly squid is up to three to five inches and they can live for about a year. A female firefly squid comes to the seashore to release her eggs for the last time. The female dies soon after laying eggs. Along with fishermen, many foreign tourists also come to Japan every year to see this tiny squid.
#5. Atolla Jellyfish

Do you know that almost all jellyfish found in the world have neither brains nor bones? Something similar is also with the Atolla jellyfish. Which is dark red in color as well as shiny. It looks like a long bell with a crown on its head. The diameter of their entire body ranges from 26 to 174 mm.
A long ankle also emerges from the body of the Atolla jellyfish, which helps these bright creatures during mating. This creature living in the depths of the sea is found in almost all the seas of the whole world. They can also live in a depth of up to 4 kilometers.
The bell-shaped Atolla jellyfish glows blue when a predator approaches. Their shining is a danger bell for the prey. Because it attracts an attacking creature bigger than the hunter with its brightness and as soon as a bigger attacking creature comes toward it. He immediately attacks the other hunter. That is, this jellyfish makes the hunters fight among themselves.
#6. Yellow-Coated Clusterwink

The yellow-coated Clusterwink found in areas of Australia and New Zealand can grow up to 0.8 inches. When they feel danger, they start shining like blue and green bulbs. Due to this the hunters who are attracted to them attack each other. These snails use special bio-chemicals to shine.
By the way, the shell of the yellow-coated Clusterwink is white in color. On which raised lines are made. These shells are very smooth. These luminous creatures are found around rocks. This specialty of theirs makes them stand in the line of the most beautiful creatures. Really yellow and bright-colored snails are very attractive.
#7. Crystal Jellyfish

Crystal jelly is also known as Aequorea. Crystal jellyfish, which appear bright blue in color, produce a green fluorescent protein (GFP) and photoprotein. How special this protein is, you can guess from the fact that the team that first told about this protein was also awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2008.
This is because, with the help of this protein, the health and related diseases of animals or humans can be detected. Even in the detection of dangerous diseases like cancer, this protein is also used.
Now you must have agreed on why this bright blue sea creature is so unique. By the way, the diameter of these colorful sea creatures is about 10 inches and they like to eat plankton, comb jelly, and other jellyfish.
#8. Sea Sapphire

You must have seen disco lights that glow in different colors. But what will happen? If you are told that even in the depths of the ocean such an organism is found which shines and changes color like disco lights. Along with freshwater, this Sea Sapphire found in the seas of Africa, Rhode Island, and California is very beautiful.
Sea Sapphire sparkles in colors like red blue, green, and violet. The most amazing thing is that along with shining, this creature also suddenly disappears. Actually, this creature changes its color very suddenly and it is not possible for our eyes to recognize this color. That’s why we think it’s gone.
Small crystal plates are attached to the body of the sea sapphire. Because of this, it shines. By the way, the bigger the exploits of the creature, the smaller they are in appearance. Their size is only a few millimeters.
#9. Cookie Cutter Shark

Cookiecutter sharks found in Japan and the Bahamas island have a different identity from other fish. This is because cells called photophores are found in fishes, due to which these fishes are shiny.
This Cookiecutter shark of 18 to 20 inches is mostly found in the depths of the sea. This depth can be up to about 3500 meters. These bright fish like to eat small fish from deep water as well as squid.
To chew their prey, these fish have 25 to 31 triangular and pointed teeth. It has often been seen that these bright fish come to the surface of the water only at night. Where all other fish are very good swimmers. Whereas this bright fish is a bad swimmer.
So these were the 9 weird sea creatures that glow in the dark. Do tell in the comments which of these creatures' methods of producing light or glowing did you like the most.
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